Thursday, February 25, 2010

Why Is Regular HVAC Maintenance Necessary?

Summer is coming so now is the time to think about your HVAC unit, right? You could not be farther from the truth. Your HVAC system needs to be thought of and addressed every month of the year and once seriously in the spring and the fall. Confused? Then you need to read on.

Unless you feel like spending five to ten thousand dollars every couple of years to replace the system that keeps your home and family comfortable year around, you need to make sure that your system is properly taken care of so it can take care of you.

What that means is that monthly, or semi monthly in some instances, you need to get in there and change your air filtration filter. Monthly if you just have the normal everyday house with maybe a shorthaired pet and carpeting. Twice a month if you have a couple pets, longhaired bread or hardwood or tile floors. This is because, for all intent and purposes, the area where the filter is becomes the mouth of your unit where it sucks in the air. ALL air will contain some contaminates and if you have certain conditions, it can contain a LOT of them. The good filters are great if you change monthly and the less expensive ones work great if you do it more often.

On top of the monthly or semi-monthly work, you need to have a regular HVAC company drop by and tune it up for you. They will check the Freon (the stuff that keeps it cold) and clean out the vents and the HVAC ductwork so that your unit can work efficiently and save you money while it is doing the job of cooling and heating your home. They will check things on the outside and the inside unit and make sure that there are no surprises lurking that will leave you without heat or air at critical moments in time. These check ups are like taking yourself to the doctor on a routine basis to make sure that everything is running well in your body. We all know that if we wait until there is a problem that it becomes exponentially more expensive to cure the problem that if we catch it before it becomes and issue.

There are tons of reasons that keeping your HVAC System maintained will be advantageous to you, but the top five of them that will make immediate sense to you are as follows for those of you keeping score.

1 – Increased Energy Efficiency, which is good for the environment
2 – Cleaner Inside Environment for you and your family
3 – Increased resale value on your house because your unit is in tip top shape
4 – Saving money over the long haul by better running system with less emergencies
5 – Peace of Mind knowing that you’re always going to be warm or cool

So the next time you hear your system kick in remember, it keeps working when you are not home, when you are sleeping and all the time the power is on. So why not schedule in a tune up visit for it so it can keep doing its job?

Author: Patrick Schnurbusch Article Source:

About the AuthorPatrick Schnurbusch operates HVAC & Refrigeration Company in North Carolina. They are the Leading Service Providers with their 24 hour Service and use of Advanced Technology and Efficiency Installations. HVAC & Refrigeration Company offer Exclusive Residential Services and Commercial Services

1 comment:

  1. Air duct cleaning is done every three to five years depending on the type of system and how frequently it is used. After a cleaning is complete, homeowners still need to maintain the integrity of their vents and returns by performing routine maintenance.

    Duct Cleaning Markham
